Outcomes & Assessment

General Education Outcomes
  • Thinking/Inquiry – Make effective decisions with intellectual integrity to solve problems and/or achieve goals utilizing the skills of critical thinking, creative thinking, information literacy, and quantitative/symbolic reasoning.
  • Communication – Ethically compose and convey creative and critical perspectives to an intended audience using visual, oral, written, social, and other forms of communication.
  • Self and Community/Diversity of Human Experience – Evaluate one’s own ethics and traditions in relation to those of other peoples and embrace the diversity of human experience while actively engaging in local, regional and global communities.
  • Aesthetic Engagement – Through various modes of inquiry, demonstrate how aesthetics engage the human experience, revealing the interconnectedness of knowledge and life.
  • Integrative Learning – Explore and synthesize knowledge, attitudes and skills from a variety of cultural and academic perspectives to enhance our local and global communities.